Tuesday, September 12, 2023

51. Freemason Pyramid built at Mary Baker Eddy's birthplace, Church speaks out against pyramidology - Noahide Pyramidology: Newton/Freemason/Mormon/Christian Science/Adventist/Jehovah's Witness/Christian Identity

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The Church of Christian Science keeps up with it is desperation to separate Mary Baker Eddy from Pyramidology and British Israelism.  They cannot deny her British Israelism as it is a matter of written record but they made it an excommunicable offense to be a British Israelists after Eddy's death.  However, Eddy's idol, C.A.L. Totten was a British Israelist and pyramidologist.  Well, it seems that the Masons were not afraid to associate Eddy with pyramidology as they built a pyramid at her grave and said it had to do with Freemasonry.  The pyramid carried the term "novus ordo seclorum" (“The new order of the ages”). The mother church had nothing to do with the pyramid and told followers that pyramidology had nothing to do with Christian Science.  When the pyramid became Mother Church property they destroyed it. Eddy was a pyramidologist and the Mother Church wants to hide it. 


Was there ever a pyramid at Mary Baker Eddy’s birthplace?

  1. “Monolith marks old Eddy farm,” Union & Leader (Manchester, N.H.), 25 December 1918.
  2. “No celebration,” News-Journal (Mansfield, Ohio), 23 July 1921, 3; Christian Science Board of Directors to “All Christian Scientists,” circular letter,  7 July 1921, Subject File, The Christian Science Publishing Society – Trustees – Litigation – Circular letters and other mailings.
  3. “Will Scientists Honor Mary Baker Eddy Centennial by Pilgrimages?” Boston Post, 10 July 1921, 46; A. J. Philpott, “In Spite of Mary Baker Eddy’s disapproval, followers will celebrate 100th birthday,” The Boston Globe, 10 July 1921, 46; “At Birthplace of Mrs. Eddy Hundreds to Visit Old Home Today,” Boston Post, 16 July 1921, 9.
  4. “Eddy Centenary Observed at Bow,” The New York Times, 17 July 1921, 22; “Mrs. Eddy’s birthday not celebrated here,” Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), 17 July 1921, 19.
  5. Concord Patriot and Monitor, 22 July 1921.
  6. According to Clifford P. Smith, Dittemore was an advocate for “the Pyramids as prophesying all human events, and [was] also [interested] in the lost tribes of Israel, whom he contended had carried the Ark of the Covenant to Ireland ….” Clifford P. Smith, untitled reminiscence, Reminiscence, 83.
  7. Eddy, Christian Healing (Boston: The Christian Science Board of Directors)11. A similar statement appears in an 1888 sermon by Eddy: “Our Ideals,” 15 July 1888, A10726B. An undated partial document by Calvin Frye and Eddy includes this: “A new old truth welling up from the Infinite is a miracle to the age but it should not [seem] like the great pyramid of Egypt, unintelligent, a miracle in stone!” A11689.
  8. https://www.marybakereddylibrary.org/research/did-eddy-have-a-pamphlet-about-the-great-pyramid/
  9. Eddy, No and Yes (Boston, The Christian Science Board of Directors), 13.
  10. “Birthplace of Mrs. Eddy is given to The Mother Church,” The Christian Science Monitor, 31 May 1927, 1.
  11. The Christian Science Board of Directors to Leon E. Pearson, Letter, 27 April 1962, Subject File, Mary Baker Eddy: Birthplace – Pyramid.
  12. The Christian Science Board of Directors to Joanne Shaw, Letter, 21 May 1962, Subject File, Mary Baker Eddy: Birthplace – Pyramid.

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