Saturday, September 9, 2023

44. Pyramidology Book Club 1.2 - Adventism fueled interest in Pyramidology - Noahide Pyramidology: Newton/Freemason/Mormon/Christian Science/Adventist/Jehovah's Witness

 Table Of Contents 


Summary of Chapters 1 & 2

Here is a summary of the important parts of chapters 1 and 2 of God and the Pyramid by Timothy Lamb, some of it we have already gone over.  Newton started Noahide pyramidology and this was picked up by John Taylor who broke Newton's sacred cubit by 25 and created the pyramid inch which was 1/1000 off a British inch; Taylor wrote about this in his book The Great Pyramid: Why was it built? Who built it? Taylor said the pyramid inch could be used to scale the pyramid and make prophecies from the measurement which corresponded to the bible.  This started a pyramid crusade to say that the British inch was special because it corresponded with the pyramid inch and that god had created the British inch and the British Empire special, Taylor used this to demonize the metric system. Taylor's work and crusade for the British inch was taken up by Charles Piazzi Smyth who added the dimension of British Israelism to the pseudoscience. At first, the Royal Society accepted Smyth's pyramid-inch papers but then abandoned it for a more scientific measurement system. Smyth predicted that the end of the Christian dispensation would be in 1882.  Charles Taze Russell speaks of Smyth in his Study in the Scriptures and works on pyramidology.  So then come in the Adventists.  I said before that it seemed the Adventists picked up pyramidology first. The author says that this is because the Adventists were also looking for dates for the end like the pyramidologist.  But according to me, I wonder if the Adventists already knew about pyramidology because William Miller had been a Freemason at the time of making his prophecies and was obsessed with Isaac Newton who is the father of all pyramidology. Adventism came first, before John Taylor, and so Lamb says that Adventism paved the way for Pyramidology.  But here is something interesting, I don't think the Adventists were British Israelists (though they did predict falsely that Britain would destroy and take over the USA), I think the Adventists were regular run-of-the-mill Christian Zionists. William Miller the Freemason was not the only Freemason to read Isaac Newton, Isaac Newton himself could even have been a Freemason, so my question is was there Freemason pyramidology between Newton and John Taylor?  Where did John Taylor hear about Newton's sacred cubit, Newton or the Freemasons? 

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