Tuesday, September 5, 2023

36. Proof Watchtower knew about Freemason pyramidology and used it to gain recruits - Noahide Pyramidology: Newton/Freemason/Mormon/Christian Science/Adventist/Jehovah's Witness

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The article below from the Jehovah's Witness 1991 yearbook proves that at least as far back as World War 1 the Watchtower knew the Freemasons were into pyramidology and were willing to use their own pyramidology as a conversion enticement.  The story below is of a young Jehovah's Witness (called Bible Students at the time) who is invited to speak before Freemasons.  Jehovah's Witnesses always specially select their materials when they present, they have pamphlets and talks on every subject and carefully select what they think their audience wants to hear (I know, I was raised Jehovah's Witness).  The topic that the young man chose to present was on Russell's pyramidology charts at the front of his The Divine Plan of the Ages, or at least charts similar to that. This was between 1914 and 1918, so Charles Taze Russell could have still been alive.  How was a supposedly new Witness so savvy as to what the Freemasons would want to hear, and know specifically that pyramidology would entice them?  He could not have been the only Witness at the time who was aware of the connection.  This is a direct link between Freemason pyramidology and Watchtower pyramidology, we at least know the Watchtower was keeping tabs on Freemason pyramidologists, maybe learning from them, or maybe even influencing them. Either way, pyramidology got them the conversion and the Freemason became a Jehovah's Witness. 

Down Load The PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tqlMwDI-DcnxoRYTw2BVWNW4nmhNMlaM/view?usp=sharing


Page 74

 From Freemason to Witness 

 During World War I, Brother Fox worked as manager of a local business. One Sunday morning, at his home in Honolulu, he received a call from David Solomon. Mr. Solomon, operating a garage at a local military post, requested supplies and inquired if Ellis would open the store to fill his order, and this Ellis consented to do. Brother Fox recalls: "As he drove me to the store, he remarked that I must be a Mason to be so accommodating. On being informed that I was a minister with the local Bible Students, he asked, 'Do you ever give talks outside your own church?' I answered, 'Yes, if invited.' Then he informed me that he was the master of the Masonic lodge at Fort Schofield and invited me to speak there. Of course, I did not tell him that I had never given a public talk. I prepared and used a chart similar to the one found at the front of Volume I of the Studies in the Scriptures. Preparing for and giving that first public talk gave me a chance to put into practice some of what I had learned from Walter  Bundy." David Solomon thereafter met regularly with the small group of Bible Students. In spite of stiff opposition, he later resigned from the Masonic order and was baptized by Brother Fox.

Chart found at the front of Volume I of the Studies in the Scriptures


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