Wednesday, September 6, 2023

39. Pyramidologist Freemason John Chapman's messianic age is partially Noahide actually - Noahide Pyramidology: Newton/Freemason/Mormon/Christian Science/Adventist/Jehovah's Witness


This entire blog started when I found the book The Great Pyramid by Freemason John Chapman.  I had read Fritz Springmeir's The Watchtower and the Masons (here) which is an attempt to say that Russel learned from Freemasons and integrated it into his own teaching.  Russell was not a Freemason and denounced Freemasons and Jehovah's Witnesses are suggested to not or are forced to not be Freemasons, however, that does not mean he did not copy Freemasons. Fritz Springmeri shows compelling evidence that he did steal from Freemasonry.  In the book, pyramidology is mentioned and there is an attempt to see if there was Freemason Pyramidology.  There was very little evidence except for an article on pyramidology in the Golden Dawn magazine, started by a Freemason, but it was not related to Biblical pyramidology but only its shape's ability to do kind magic kinda of things, not really related, not even Kabbalah. But then I found Chapman's book, then more, and now we know there was a Pyramidology craze in Freemasonry at the same time as Russell and Adventists and Christian Scientists, and I think Mormons (who were British Israelists nonetheless).  But no one knew about Freemason Pyramidology. Freemasons might have kept quiet about their British Israelite Pyramidology and might have infiltrated their daughter cults to spread the doctrine. On my blog Be Wise As Serpents I have a list of high-ranking Freemasons who are also high-ranking Christian Scientists (here). But when I got the book The Great Pyramid it's author was a British Israelist.  I thought that British Israelism was always that the Jews would go to Israel, but then would convert to Christianity at the end, and that the Ten Lost Tribes (British people), would help them get there.  So I thought that Charles Taze Russell was not influenced by the Freemasons to become a Noahide Zionist Pyramidologist at least.  But I did read the chapter on the end times, and unless I am wrong here is how it goes: the hard times come and the Gentiles are punished for harming Israel but Israel is not hurt, Israel being Jews.  However, in the end, Chapman uses the word "idolator" to describe those who would be wiped out, and I think the Jews will remain Jews and will unite with British Israel (The Ten Lost Tribes) and rule the world together. below are photos of the passage from the book, if you get a different meaning email me at Now I have to go look through this in all the other Freemason authors on Pyramidology.  The only thing missing is that in this Freemason Noahide age is that the Christians would be trinitarian.  However, some Noahidists say the Trinity is "shituf", a mix of polytheism and monotheism and it is acceptable for Gentiles, but not Jews. But the Jews seemed to laugh at British Israelist Pyramidologist Freemasons and worked with Charles Taze Russell who denounced British Israelism and Trinitarianism (being totally Noahide compliant).  I have a suspicion that the Freemasons, even though not working with the Jews, were using British Israelism to get the Jews over to Israel so they could rule the world with them. Whatever it took to get the Jews to Israel, even if that meant getting on board with an absurd fad not liked by Jews.  However, on the same blog, Be Wise As Serpents, I have a paper on Mormon Zionism and the Freemasons attended a parade of Jews trying to establish Israel for Jews, it was Jewish lead so British Israelism is way out, whatever it took (here). And the last thing is that Chapman used the word "Jehovah" to describe god, just like Russell.  Chapman was publishing on pyramidology in the mid-1880, same time as Russell.  They could have certainly influenced each other. 

How do you interpret this?

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