Thursday, October 12, 2023

68. James Bonwick, another Theosophy linked non-British Israelists Freemason pyramidologist - Noahide Pyramidology: Newton/Freemason/Mormon/Christian Science/Adventist/Jehovah's Witness/Christian Identity/Armstrongism/Theosophy/Pelleyism/Klu Klux Klan

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We have already seen that Freemason and Theosophist (and Kabbalist) James Ralston Skinner was not a British Israelist and may have not been a Zionist (but maybe he was).  There is another Freemason pyramidologist who was involved in Theosophy and who denied British Israelism and that was James Bonwick who is mentioned by Madam Blavatsky and who quoted Madam Blavatsky. Another Theosophist pyramidologist who did not seem interested in Biblical Zionism and I don't think was British Israelism was William Kingsland.  There seems to be a connection between Theosophy pyramidology and perhaps non-Zionism and definitely non-British Israelism. Theosophy is not fully biblical at all and some have accused it of being anti-Semitic... is this why all the Theosophist Freemason pyramidologists were non-Zionist and had nothing to do with returning the Jews to Israel as would happen under British Israelism?

The Theosophical Glossary was written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, but published posthumously in 1892 after some editorial work by G. R. S. Mead. An ambitious work, the glossary included 2797 terms from Sanskrit, other oriental languages, Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism, Egyptology, Judeo-Christian studies, and other sources. The manuscript did not benefit from an opportunity for the author to review and revise it, due to her death on May 8, 1891. Consequently, the quality is uneven, and the glossary entries include errors, especially in Sanskrit. This volume has to be read with discrimination, as Madame Blavatsky herself recommended for any form of study.

Analysis of sources, by Boris de Zirkoff

Boris de Zirkoff devoted a considerable effort to analyzing the sources of the Glossary entries. He took a 1952 replica of the 1892 first edition and penciled marginal notes beside most of the terms. Here is a scan of his annotated copy.

Richard Robb, Michael Conlin, and Janet Kerschner worked together to expand Mr. de Zirkoff's notes identifying his sources:

Abbreviation# of
AuthorTitleDigital links

James BonwickEgyptian Belief and Modern Thought. London: Kegan Paul & Co., 1878.1876 edition

Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought
by James Bonwick

PDF Available Here:

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