Sunday, October 8, 2023

64. A more mature thesis on Noahide Pyramidology - Noahide Pyramidology: Newton/Freemason/Mormon/Christian Science/Adventist/Jehovah's Witness/Christian Identity/Armstrongism/Theosophy/Pelleyism

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 I was raised Jehovah's Witness, there are more rumors outside the organization than inside that Charles Taze Russell was influenced by Freemasonry, his infatuation with pyramidology is also well know... but were the two connected?  The name of this blog is Noahide Pyramidology because all pyramidology is Noahide pyramidology because it all comes from the Noahide Isaac Newton who invented the Jewish Sacred Cubit which he said was used to build Noah's Ark and the Pyramids and that these measurements can be used to make predictions from pyramid measurements. Noahide Pyramidology as far as my research goes disappeared between Newton and John Taylor who reviewed and revived Newton's work in the late 1850s.  But was there any pyramidology in between and who kept it going?  The Freemasons named a lodge after Newton... was there a Freemason pyramidology between Newton and John Taylor?  Whether Freemasonry carried pyramidology between Newton and Taylor or not, Freemasonry became a hotbed for pyramidology in the mid to late 1860s and its influence extended to the 1940s. The question was did Freemason pyramidology influence Charles Taze Russell's pyramidology.  For anyone wondering whether or not Russell was influenced by Freemasonry generally outside of pyramidology then read The  Watchtower and the Masons by Fritz Springmeir (here).  Russell took many ideas from Freemasonry and also admitted that his own organization was based upon a Freemason-like secret society. But when it came to pyramidology Russell actually was the inverse of the basic Freemason position. Most Freemasons (but not all) associated the pyramids with British Israelism, a point Russell contended against. British Israelist Freemasons believed that the British Empire would restore the Jews to Israel but (for many), that the Jews would eventually convert to Christianity. Russell believed the Jews would return to Israel and stay Jews and the non-Jews would inhabit the rest of the earth as non-Trinitarians, this is a Noahide recipe as well. So Russell was at least not influenced by some aspects of Freemason pyramidology.  After all, Russell was influenced by non-Freemason British Israelists. However, there is another Freemason connection with Russell and that is William Miller and the Adventists.  William Miller was a Freemason and avid student of Isaac Newton.  William Miller created all his Adventist prophecies while still a Freemason.  Later, it was the Adventists who were the first to pick up Pyramidology and the Adventists influenced Russell.  I wonder if William Miller knew about Pyramidology and that is why the Adventists picked it up first.  After investigating Freemasonry and Russell it eventually became clear that all the Judeo-Freemason-influenced cults of Christian Science, Mormonism, Adventism, and Jehovah's Witnesses were involved in Pyramidology.  While the Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses were not British Israelists, the Christian Scientists were and so were the Mormons, likely because these two have the most Freemason influence.  But Freemasonry pyramidology did not just influence these, Freemason pyramidologists influenced Theosophy and pseudo-Nazi cults like Christian Identity and Pelleyism.  Theosophy and Pelleyism did not pick up British Israelism or Zionism, but the rest did.  Armstongism went British Israelist but I don't know what level Freemasonry was involved. The conclusion so far is that Russell and the Freemasons differed on British Israelism, but the Freemason pyramidologist could still have influenced him in another way, as it did with other cults. However, Russell stood out as Noahide-compliant and was backed by the Jews who did not approve of British Israelism. This is the mature conclusion and the continuance of this blog will hopefully fortify this position. 

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