Thursday, July 6, 2023

27. Was Freemason Pyramidologist James Ralson Skinner neutral on Zionism? - Noahide Pyramidology: Is Watchtower Pyramidology Masonic? Noahide?

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I've already introduced you to Freemason Pyramidologist James Skinner.  Below is a link to his book on Freemason Pyramidology, Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery in the source of measures originating the British inch and the ancient cubit.  Now, Skinner was unique in Pyramidology as while most Pyramidologists used the Pyramid inch which was 1/1000 of an inch off from the British inch, James Skinner believed the British Inch proper was the inch used to build the pyramids.  This sounds like something a British Israliest would say.  But when I checked his book I found no hint of British Israelism, but I also can't seem to find any Zionism either. Skinner published in what seems to be 1876, which now means modern Freemason Pyramidology was around as early as the mid-1870s. So if Skinner was Zionist neutral, that means this at least is not where Charles Taze Russell picked up his Zionist Noahide Pyramidology.  I only have a few more Freemason Pyramidologists to check out, let's see if any of them have the same Pyramidology as Charles Taze Russell.  If there are no Freemason Noahide Zionist Pyramidologists then I would say that it was Russell's Jewish friends who might have influenced him in this direction.  Time will tell. 

Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian mystery in the source of measures originating the British inch and the ancient cubit

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