Friday, June 30, 2023

1. What will this journal be about? - Noahide Pyramidology: Is Watchtower Pyramidology Masonic? Noahide?

 Table Of Contents


I do not have time to write a proper book, so I am going to keep a flowing journal, and then when I am done, I will simply compile the journal entries into a printed book and PDF.  I have gone through so many documents, all of which I will be presenting over time.  I am going to lay out the general direction this journal will go in and my beginning theories. I have this all in my head so I will say things I have not yet proven yet but will let you know that the evidence is forthcoming as soon as I get to publishing that document. I may make a statement that I will later find is wrong when I more thoroughly present all my documents.

For those of you who are wondering if the Watch Tower Society had any connections with Freemasonry, please read The Watch Tower and the Masons by Fritz Springmeir (here).  While Russell was not a Freemason and denounced Freemasonry, that does not mean he did not steal many many ideas from Freemasons. From Springmeir's book it is obvious that Russell was likely at least familiar with Freemasonry and introduced some of their ideas into his ideology and his idea of how god's organization was structured.  

Even after reading Springmeir many Jehovah's Witnesses will still tell you there was no connection.  One place that they are very sure has no connection to Freemasonry was Charles Taze Russell's interest in Pyramidology. I have come to question this assertion that Watch Tower Pyramidology had nothing to do with Freemasonry. An initial search of Freemasonry showed almost nothing in Pyramidology, the only thing I could find was a book written in the 1930's I believe speaking about Pyramidology in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which was started by Freemasons, but it seemed to have nothing to do with the Great Pyramid of Giza, it was just about pyramid shape power and perhaps was linked to Kabbalah. 

However, I got a break.  I found a book online by Freemason John Chapman called The Great Pyramid published in 1896, so contemporaneously to Russell. The book deals with Freemason Pyramidology.  It has not yet arrived but when it does I will make a photocopy and publish it here and start a book review and research. 

While I've been waiting for the book I have been doing research into Pyramidology.  This is all very complicated but it seems it started with the Noahide scholar Isaac Newton who developed something later called the "Pyramid Inch", it was supposedly the ancient Jewish metric unit used to build Noah's Ark and the Pyramid. Isaac Newton believed that the Egyptian religion was based on Noahidism and that the Egyptian gods were really the fallen children of Noah. There is strong evidence that Jewish legends held that Noah built the pyramids, and as a student of the Jewish occult, Newton may have believed this.  More still, Newton developed apocalyptic theories from the pyramid just like Charles Taze Russell.  

It is only speculation if Newton was a Freemason but it is not speculated if Freemasons read and absorbed Newton's occult works. There is a lodge named after Newton in England. Freemasons in their charters and in their works claim to be Noahides.  Was Newton Noahide first and gave it to the Masons?  Or were the Masons Noahide first and gave it to Newton?  Or did they come to it independently?  Later Manly P. Hall said that the Pyramids were Noah's Ark. Either way, we have a Noahide genesis of Pyramidology, Newton, which may have then been picked up by Masons. 

Whether it was brought to him by Newton or by Masons, the "pyramid inch" was picked up by a guy named John Taylor who wrote a book in the 1850's using the pyramid inch to make many prophecies.  This is thought to be the founding of modern pyramidology.  Now, John Taylor had a follower named Smyth who read British Israelism into the mix.  I need to know if John Taylor was a British Israelite or if Smyth added it.  I would think as Noahides, Masons and Newton would not be British Israelites.  If Taylor was not a British Israelite where did he get his information from besides Newton?  Masons?

British Israelite Pyramidology broke off and became big.  But Charles Taze Russell broke the craze with Zionist Pyramidology, which would be more in line with Freemason and Newtonian Noahidism. Since we now know Freemason Pyramidology was around in the day, perhaps Russell was listening more to them.  We need to see what is in the Freemason Pyramidology book I got.  

But there is another angle.  It seems that Russell was also influenced by Adventist Pyramidologists who seemed particularly susceptible to the new idea. Adventists may have had their own theories but they did publish British Israelist Smyth.  Were the Adventists British Israelite Pyramidologists or Zionist Pyramidologists?  The Adventist angle matters because the Adventists came out of Miller who was an ex-Freemason and Freemasonry may have lingered in his doctrines.  Why were the Adventists so keen to pick up Pyramidology?  Another angle is that Newton is a big name in Adventism for seeing similar prophecies in the bible book of Daniel as William Miller.  Was Newton an influence on Miller?  Did Miller know anything about Pyramidology? 

There is evidence that Joseph Smith the Mormon was into Pyramidology but that would have predated John Taylor and modern Pyramidology.  Mormonism is closely based on Freemasonry, did the Freemasons teach Joseph Smith early Pyramidology? 

Finally, Christian Science, another cult shrouded in Freemasonry, followed British Israelite Pyramidology until the death of Mary Baker Eddy, then it became an excommunicable offense to hold the belief, which would make it more Masonic and Noahide. 

My Theory is that Newton started Noahide Pyramidology and Egyptology, which was then picked up by the Masons who may have already been Noahides themselves.  John Taylor in the 1850s Published Newton's Pyramid Inch and also said Noah built the Pyramids (like in Judaism/Noahidism). He must have gotten his other ideas from somewhere, maybe Masons?  I have to read his book and I will and will present its theory here. Taylor must have influenced the Adventists who might have already been influenced by Miller if Miller was into Newton and Pyramidology.  The Adventists and Taylor influenced Charles Taze Russell.  But still there was independent Freemason Pyramidology going on at the time and we need to see what they were saying and if they were Zionists. What made Russell Zionist? These questions and more will hopefully be answered. 

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